Five Ways to Successfully Respond to an Active Shooter in Houston, Texas

by | Jun 26, 2023 | Uncategorized

In recent years, there have been countless shooting incidents around the United States of America – not just in Houston, Texas. While this is something that we don’t want to think about due to the stress that it might bring, this is something that we have to be prepared for.

There are countless active shooters in the country, and this has been our reality for years on end. Although we don’t have to worry because security service providers like Ranger Security Agency can help you when it comes to instances like this.

Here at Ranger Security Agency, we find ways to educate our readers and prospective clients when it comes to safety and security.

In this article, we’re going to give you five ways you can successfully respond to an active shooter in Houston, Texas – though this can apply anywhere around the world too.

  1. Always think about finding the nearest entrances and exits so you can safely go out of the premises whenever an active shooting occurs.
  2. This is obvious and it might not be the easiest to do, but always remain calm when an active shooting occurs so you won’t lose your rational thoughts to panic.
  3. Find cover in a safe area and don’t always impulsively run for an exit because this might inadvertently draw the active shooter’s attention to you.
  4. Be sure to be alert and evacuate the area when you feel like it is now safe to exit the premises.
  5. Lastly, countering the active shooter might be the last resort, and only do this when it’s absolutely necessary or when you think that this is something that you can do.

These are some of the ways how you can successfully respond to an active shooter, but also, don’t forget to trust your guts and be safe.

Worry not though for our security guards at Ranger Security Agency can help you with these, should you give us a chance.

So why not give us a call today to know more about our security services at Ranger Security Agency? Know that we have your back, always.