How to Keep Your Organization Secure During Coronavirus Outbreak?

Sep 11, 2020

As news of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to tend in the media and the minds of people across the country, businesses are faced with other security concerns. The fear and uncertainty that the pandemic brings have brought about security threats for business owners and customers alike. As a business owner or manager, security during this hard time is important for the safety of your workers, customers, and business partners.

Whether you are into a retail business or commercial sites, security guards are valuable assets when circumstances require additional assistance to keep people and resources safe and secure.

Stay Ahead of COVID-19 Security Issues

Professional security guards can take precautionary measures to help you stay ahead of potential security issues that can sabotage your business goals and objectives. The COVID-19 pandemic has put increasing pressures on managers and employees to enforce the new health and safety protocols, while still carrying out their respective roles. The presence of security guards on-site can eliminate that pressure and help businesses continue to be functional and profitable.

COVID-19 Security Guards to Enforce Safety Protocols

One of the greatest challenges faced by retail organizations and commercial businesses is how to conduct normal business operations while ensuring that COVID-19 safety guidelines are observed in the premise. Owners can eliminate this strain by hiring COVID-19 security guards to enforce these protocols, including:

Social distancing enforcement

Ensuring masks are being worn by those entering facilities/stores

Temperature scans for workers

Our team of professional security guards takes active responsibility in keeping your business, employees, and customers safe. With state-of-the-art training, guards from Ranger security agency understands the importance of enforcing COVID-19 health and safety guidelines for your business. They will ensure everyone entering the premises adhere to the protocols, and will do so with reliability, respect, and professionalism.

At Ranger Security Agency, the health of our security guards is a top priority. We ensure that our security specialists are healthy and equipped with the proper personal protective equipment (PPE) for their assignments. For customers who have advanced PPE requirements, our guards will gladly use your equipment to ensure that they are always in compliance with the requirements of your business.


Retail businesses have faced huge challenges recently. From customers stealing basic supplies such as toilet paper and hand sanitizer to irate customers getting into a viral confrontation with store employees, businesses must take security more seriously than ever before.

Professional, uniformed retail security guards are an effective solution for preventing situations like those mentioned above. The presence of a guard in uniform will often prevent people from constituting nuisance and scenes.


Panic may drive an unprecedented number of people to hospitals, emergency rooms, and urgent care facilities, believing they must get tested for the Coronavirus. As cases rise in states across the country, many healthcare facilities are finding themselves at maximum capacity. Concerned family and friends want desperately to provide support to their loved ones, despite the fact that they are not allowed to visit or even be on the premises.

Professional security officers from Ranger security agencies are trained in crowd control measures and have the skills to maintain peace and order when a violent situation occurs.


It is an unfortunate reality that long term healthcare facilities have been hit the hardest by the COVID-19 outbreak. The aged population is at an increased risk of contracting the virus due to the presence of pre-existing conditions and residents living in close quarters, among other factors. Long term healthcare facilities have rapidly needed to create new health and safety protocols to ensure that their residents are protected from the virus.